“Conversations with Anita” Live Streamed Events
When Anita has something important to share with members, you will receive a special pass to join her live stream! These pop-ins give Anita a chance to connect directly with Sanctuary members, as she enjoys hearing from the members of The Sanctuary. Come hang out and get ready to discuss the topics that are near and dear to Anita’s heart, by sharing your thoughts with the other Sanctuary members.

Two Exclusive, Original MasterClasses
Stepping into your Power
This 13-component course will help you embrace your power as a 6th sensory being and offers a discussion group for continued growth!
Empath Impact
Nurture your empathic soul with these 10 classes, and watch your empath impact improve with exercises, meditations and follow up discussion groups.

“The Power of Transformation” Course
Delivered over 28 modules, Anita’s Alaskan Cruise in 2019 was only available to those who were on the cruise with her. But inside the Sanctuary, members now have exclusive access to Anita’s ocean-voyage classroom!
Be ready to embrace your magnificence as you explore your divine natural abilities on this journey of transformation.

As a Sanctuary member you will be nurtured with uplifting guidance as you engage with our full collection of Anita Moorjani’s teachings, live streamed events, masterclasses, community and more.
Get full access to Anita's insights from the comfort of your home


Embrace your magnificence, deepen your self-love, and awaken the connection to your soul. Join me in my Sanctuary to discover your soul's purpose as we explore topics that outlie mainstream conversations.
Join Anita Moorjani in
her Spiritual Home Online

“180 Days To Turn Yourself Around” Program
Anita has designed this unique program for her followers who truly want to be self-loving. Presenting a progressive calendar of daily tasks, this program will take you from where you are now to a place of improved self-love.
Be prepared to smile, connect, choose, ponder and absorb the love that comes from this self-directed program.
Conversations with Anita: a series of intimate conversations between Anita and Sanctuary members.
Expert Interviews: Anita's growing collection of guest interviews.
Explore the Extraordinary Podcast: over 90 hand-curated episodes of Anita's online weekly radio show.
Tea with Anita: 16 episodes of Anita’s online video chat show
View from the Other Side: Anita’s 15-session series presenting her insights gained during her NDE.
The Lost Interviews: 23 audio interviews previously thought lost but thankfully, found.
Anita’s FAQ Video Series
Infinite Energy Circle

A warm and loving group session where members convene to receive and send loving energies. Members will be able to join Anita live through video streaming and hear her gentle tones as she expertly leads everyone through a connection to their souls and culminating in a collective force of healing energies which will lift the whole planet’s energetic state!

The Community

Our curated community groups provide members avenues for growth and transformation. Communities are healing pods - our members form bonds and a wide range of uplifting connections with each other while discussing different topics.
The Magic Hour
Anita's "Magic Hour" promises to show you that miracles and marinades extend to the therapies, practices and other skill sets that are out there! In a live format, Anita's preferred practitioners will provide information and insights into their particular 'magic' that will help you consider new ways to contribute to your own healing marinade!

Live Text Chat Portal
High vibe “hellos”, quick greetings, and uplifting conversations populate our 24/7 pop-in chat center.
Our "Meeting Point" on our Member Page is a quick access point for you to enter and see what's going on. You can share photos, or videos, generally keeping the marinade of our home page uplifting.
Learn about your soul’s journey, create a healing trajectory, connect with spirit, and engage with our community - join today!